
Monday, February 1, 2021


First time? Maybe getting started again?

First time? Maybe getting started again? Whatever the reason you are now considering a new plan of eating how to get started seems to always be a daunting task.

Sometimes when we look at the big picture it is too big, too much, too insurmountable but as the ol' saying goes, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

I think it is important to ask yourself what your intentions are for starting a new food plan. Can you verbalize and visualize what eating better will do for you? Maybe you picture yourself going for a walk, maybe you verbalize you are looking forward to your legs not aching. Whatever the intention it is important to start with intention.

From intention we can create a goal. Perhaps the goal is to get through a week, maybe it's day, maybe it your goal needs to be getting through the very next moment. These goals, no matter how small, are the steps we take one in front of the other. Each step takes us closer down the path to our initial intentions.

All we can worry about is the here and now, this moment. We can look back at our past and recall what worked for us and what did not but we can't change it. No sense crying over spilled milk, what is done is done, move forward with this new information and taking your next step forward educated by your past.


Resetting the Button on Old Mindsets

Resetting the button on old mindsets.

This past week I've been thinking about an old mindset I have, I feel I have to be in control of my food plan. I use a plan that is scientifically structured to allow me to lose weight sensibly, it provides the tools I need to be successful, yet I have a strong desire to want to control the plan and change it in a way I think I know best.

One of these ways is to restrict. I restrict food from the daily plan to lose faster, because I can't lose weight like others, etc. It has occurred to me recently that maybe I struggle because I don't let go and allow the plan to take control?

So this week in moving forward, I'm resetting the old mindset that I need to be in control, I do not. I need to follow my plan, continue to educate myself, use the tools available and let the rest go. It is not for me to rewrite what I think works best.


Resetting Our Mindset

Resetting Our Mindset.

For many of us we’ve decided to make changes to our daily routines in the favor of weight loss. We are familiar with the common recommendations: "You have to make it a lifestyle" and "Don't call it a diet", but what does that really mean?

Sure, we are willing to change for a period of time, maybe willing to give up our overeating to reach a goal, but are we really willing to change make a forever change?

A mindset change for life isn’t only about making the conscious effort to change, it’s about becoming willing subconsciously to allow that change. Resetting the mindset requires in inward review of why we continue patterns in life that result in weight gain, steal from our happiness, and why we have held firm to old habits of eating that have never provided for a lighter healthier body that we long to live in.

Resetting the ideas that the relationships we’ve built with food and eating are ours forever, they don’t have to be, we decide. It is with great strength we can take time to search our deepest thoughts and begin to identify connections in our subconscious about our relationships with food. The fact that we are even taking this journey reveals our true strength. Our inner strength can look at allow us to make decisions to end lifelong food connections or continue on the same path.

In the end, resetting the mindset isn’t about eliminating those connections but about the willingness to be entirely ready to live without those connections. Without the willingness the connections wither and die on their own.

The process is about recognizing our strength, the honesty and bravery to look into ourselves and face the unknown path head-on. It is this strength that we will call upon as we let those subconscious connections go. We have a new way of living, to use our bodies as vehicles to achieve our goals, experience our lives to the fullest, and to be the happiest we can be with the bodies we travel in. We make these decision, consciously and subconsciously, every day…. Resetting our mindset.



The Brain Doesn't Always Get It Right!

The brain doesn't always get it right. It uses information from past experiences, our perceptions of those experiences and creates reference points when a similar event takes place. But, the brain could have it all wrong. 

It could be that we stored a bad experience as a reference point and now when the same experience could have a favorable outcome we tend to immediately pass judgement. This happens in criticisms toward ourselves and others.

Going forward, I will pause and reset my reaction to experiences instead of immediately passing ill judgement, I will use wisdom to evaluate and form a new opinion, recognize the difference, and ask my brain to store the new information.