
Monday, February 1, 2021

First time? Maybe getting started again?

First time? Maybe getting started again? Whatever the reason you are now considering a new plan of eating how to get started seems to always be a daunting task.

Sometimes when we look at the big picture it is too big, too much, too insurmountable but as the ol' saying goes, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."

I think it is important to ask yourself what your intentions are for starting a new food plan. Can you verbalize and visualize what eating better will do for you? Maybe you picture yourself going for a walk, maybe you verbalize you are looking forward to your legs not aching. Whatever the intention it is important to start with intention.

From intention we can create a goal. Perhaps the goal is to get through a week, maybe it's day, maybe it your goal needs to be getting through the very next moment. These goals, no matter how small, are the steps we take one in front of the other. Each step takes us closer down the path to our initial intentions.

All we can worry about is the here and now, this moment. We can look back at our past and recall what worked for us and what did not but we can't change it. No sense crying over spilled milk, what is done is done, move forward with this new information and taking your next step forward educated by your past.


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