
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

We Carry The Message Not The Body

“We share experience, strength and hope with each other’s.  What we don’t do, and should not do, is share one another’s burdens, whether financial or emotional.” – One Day at a Time/Al-Anon


Are you the “rescuer” who drops your own personal responsibilities to come to the aid of another?   It is very noble to consider others but you must care for yourself first.  Not that your life has to be in complete order for you to help others but there has to be balance in making sure your side of the street is clear before you cross to the other side to help another.


Are you overly invested in others?  Do you absorb yourself in caring for others to the point you aren’t caring for yourself?  We carry the message; experience, hope & strength, from the countless others who have come before us on our journey to better health, we never carry anything more.


Putting yourself first in assessing your needs is a very important part of our food, mind, body health. 



Steve Colbeth


Tuesday, September 14, 2021




Steve Colbeth



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Wednesday, July 14, 2021



Steve Colbeth



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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Food is not an emotion

For many of us who overeat, food is connected to our emotions. We have learned to use food to medicate ourselves, hide our fears, celebrate our joy. Do we know what these emotions really feel like in our bodies without food?


When I say I'm stuffed have I buried something?

When I am introduced to a joyous moment and the first think I think of is cake, I know I have some work to do.


We are living life without acknowledging our feelings, what we’ve been experiencing is chocolate covered emotions.



Steve Colbeth



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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Making Amends

Making amends. What is making amends anyway? One definition is to correct a mistake that created a bad situation. When we make amends it is not simply to say I'm sorry or apologizing. Instead we attempting to correct a mistake that created a bad situation. Most often this begins by embracing a complete change of attitude and behavior. Our amends are valid even if the other person does not respond. In making amends, we change our thinking from the path we were on that caused a shatter in the relationship. In this way we are able to purge ourselves of guilt and negative feelings. Forgiveness does not mean we lost the fight, it doesn't mean we agree with what happened, it is not saying we will forget what was said or done, but it IS the action of letting it go and moving forward.


Steve Colbeth


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Dieting vs Lifestyle

This isn’t not my first time losing weight.  I’ve been dieting all my life, I’ve lost hundreds of pounds but when the diet ended the weight returned. This time I’m not dieting, I’m fighting that “diet” mentality and replacing it with the question, “Can I do this way of eating forever?”  The answer for today is, YES I CAN!  I can live this new lifestyle of eating reasonable, healthy, best choices and strive for doing even better at my next meal.  What happens if I make a poor choice?  Each moment of my new way of living allows me to make the food best choices I can, if in a moment I make a choice that is considered poor maybe it’s because it’s the best I could do at that moment.  But does that mean I quit and go back to my old ways?  Of course not!  Each moment I choose to be better, do better, live better… that is MY choice – food has no power in gratitude!  In dieting I felt restricted, deprived, angry, different, and depressed.  In my new way of living I’m eating foods that feed my body and are nutritionally sound.  These choices make my body feel better and in that space I don’t need to overeat to get my “feel good fix”.  Eating and living life is full of ups and downs and so is my new way of living.  In the end, making the best food choices will result in weight loss, and allow me to live happier and healthier for today.


Steve Colbeth



Thursday, May 13, 2021

If I Quit Now


If I quit now…. I WILL be back where I started.  I’m so grateful for where I am at in my journey.  Even though the path is filled with peaks and valleys it wasn’t long ago I was back at the beginning and desperately wishing to be where I am today.


Living life happier and healthier for today!


Steve Colbeth